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Simple Present Tense Exercise >> Grade 8

Exercise 1
Directions: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the present tense.

Ring! Ring!

Berto: Hello?

Justin: Hi, may I please speak to Berto?

Berto: Yes, this is he.

Justin: Berto! How (be) you? This is Justin.

Berto: Ahhh....Justin! I (be) fine. How are you?

Justin: I'm great, thanks.

Berto: That (be) good. So, what's up?

Justin: Well, I (have) a question for you.

Berto: Sure.

Justin: My motorcycle (be) broken. I (try) to repair it for days. I (no, know) what is wrong with it. I (no, can fix) it.

Berto: Hmm. It (sound) like a mystery. (You, try) to start it?

Justin: Yes. I (try) to start it many times.

Berto: What (happen) when you try?

Justin: It (make) a strange sound. Then the engine (die) .

Berto: Hmm. Okay. (You, stand) beside it right now?

Justin: Yes.

Berto: Okay. You need to do the following things. First, you need to inspect the spark plugs.

Justin: Hold on. Okay, right now I (inspect) the spark plugs under a light. They (look) clean.

Berto: Okay, that's good. Now, you need to check the oil.

Justin: Hold on. Okay, right now I (check) the oil. It (look) clean, and the tank is full.

Berto: Okay, that's good. Now, you need to test the battery. (You, have) a battery tester?

Justin: Yes, I do. I (use) it right now. I (test) the battery. It (appear) to be full of life.

Berto: Hmm. That is strange! I (wonder) what the problem could be.

Justin: Yes...very strange. I (not, understand) it. My brother (think) the motorcycle is trash. He (not, think) it will ever start again. He (say) I need to take it to the junkyard.

Berto: Hmm. That's too bad. Well, there is one more thing you can check.

Justin: Really?

Berto: Yes, but I am sure you (check) it already.

Justin: Well, what is it?

Berto: The gas level.

Justin: Wait! I (not, check) that yet! Hold on!

Berto: Well, what (do) it look like?

Justin: It looks empty!

Exercise 2
Complete the dialogue by listening to the recorded material. 

Alfie: So, ________________ with Jack?
Daisy: Not great. I mean, I like him a lot, but it’s impossible! During the week I ________ swimming practice on Mondays, I do taekwondo on _____________ and tennis on _____________.
Alfie: Do you see him on Wednesdays, then?
Daisy: No, he watches ______________ films at his cinema club on Wednesdays.
Oliver: Yeah, and they’re not just really old films, Alfie, they watch foreign ones with subtitles too!
Alfie: Well, there’s always the weekend. _________________ together at the weekends?
Daisy: That’s just it, it’s tricky. He works in the ______________ all day Saturday and he goes out with his mates from the _____________ on Saturday evenings.
Alfie: Whoa! Book club? So, he loves old films and books!? Mmm ... _________________ sports?
Daisy: Not really. He thinks ___________ is a sport! Well, he watches football on the telly sometimes, but ______________ any sports.
Alfie: Mmm ... I think you’re right. It’s impossible!
Daisy: Right, I’m late. See you later.
Alfie and Oliver: See you, Daisy.
Sophie: Hi, love.
Oliver: All right, Mum?
Sophie: Yeah, I’m fine.
Oliver: Good trip?
Sophie: Not bad, but Thailand’s really hot at this _____________. I’m off to Chiang Mai tomorrow to do a three-day trek. The train ____________ at 5 in the morning. How’s Daisy? Is she with you?
Oliver: No, she has _____________ on Thursdays.
Sophie: Ah, of course. No problem. Listen, ask Daisy to ____________ later, OK? The number of the hotel is on the fridge and I’m in room 37.
Oliver: All right, Mum. _______________. Watch out for the snakes!
Sophie: Thanks, Ollie! Bye, love. See you Sunday.
Alfie: Is your mum in Thailand this week?
Oliver: Yeah. Trekking in Chiang Mai for ________________.
Alfie: Wow – that beats going to college. Imagine, three days in the jungle! I ______________ my mum doing that. Cool. Does she like walking?
Oliver: No, not really. Only if it’s to go shopping on the ___________________!
Alfie: See you tomorrow.
Oliver: Yeah, see you tomorrow. 


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